Our history

Amazone was founded in 1995 by Miet Smet, former Minister and Secretary of State responsible for equal opportunities between women and men.
The initial aim was to provide an infrastructure for various groups of women who, at the time, had nowhere to develop properly. The aim was not only to provide better accommodation and infrastructure for women’s organisations, but also to create a place where they could meet and network.
Amazone was a ground-breaking idea: for the first time, a wide range of women’s organisations united under one roof. Umbrella organisations such as women’s councils, organisations dedicated to researching and disseminating feminist issues, associations with a specific theme, traditional associations, etc. All sorts of feminist oranisations met at the Amazone house. Organisations from Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia came together for the first time.
Our current building, located in the Rue du Méridien, was once a ministry, a school and a private residence. The slogan “crossroads of gender equality” refers firstly to our geographical location in Saint-Josse, at the intersection of Rue du Méridien, Rue de l’Union and Rue de Brialmont, and secondly to the intersection between women’s associations, the academic world, civil society and politics, as well as the crossroads of languages. “Intersectional thinking” is also included in this slogan, meaning that we apply the concept of intersectionality linked to gender in our ideology and practice.
At Amazone, we have an open-door policy. This means that everyone is welcome: people from the women’s movement as well as civil society in the broadest sense and anyone committed to equal opportunities. This policy is based on the principle that equal opportunities is not just a women’s issue*.
Women*: we refer to anyone who recognises themselves under this name and maintain that everyone is free to define their own gender identity.